Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Photography Notes

Josh's 7 Principles

 1) Fill the frame with what you like.


3) Use the rule of thirds dividing your board up into a sort of tic tac toe board.

4) Create Depth 

5) Use a line to visually connect these elements


7) Lighting is everything, find great lighting for the photo on your foreground.

Use natural lines to lead the eye into the picture.

Diagonal lines create great movement

Use natural frames such as doors and windows

Get close to your subjects

Place the dominant eye in the center of the photo

Patterns are pleasing

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Black Mirror: Nosedive

 This episode is a sad reality of what different social media applications can do to a person. Social media creates this false sense of self image. This shows that all people care about is what other people think of them and they do not care about being unique in their own way.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

My New Photos

 For my project I went around campus taking 4 simple pictures of places that I frequently visit around Gaffney and Limestone. I unfortunately do not have great photography skills so I focused on taking these photos from different angles to make them look a bit nicer. They are natural photos from earlier today. I drove around for a bit finding different spots where the light hits the photo nicely! I was able to capture a photo of the college drive fountain, the quarry, saints field, and next to our admissions building. Although they are not professional grade edited photos, I am happy with the outcome.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Notes on the Social Dilemma

 Some things that I found very alarming about this documentary is how big time social media companies and their goals are to get the user to give up as much as their time to the company as possible. It is scary to think that it is almost like a brainwashing tool. It is so interesting to me how much thought goes into every little bit of a social media website. How important refreshing a page is when it seems like such a little thing, but it is designed specifically to keep you on the application. Another fact that I found very interesting on the second watch day of this documentary is that fake news travels 6 times faster on twitter than real news.

Publishing my Website

Working with Wix has been an interesting experience so far. I have come to learn a lot about the how easy it is to create a basic website. Creating a website needs just a little bit of patience and curiosity. With my website I was able to figure out how to create new pages, design a layout, import my own colors and do so much more that I have to add on. I am excited to see the continuous progress of my website to build my personal brand on. Below is a link to my personal website where it will be updated continuously as I move forward with my class and career.


Pinterest Boards